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section titleDYNAMIC WEBSITE

A website, or individual web page, can be static or dynamic. A static website or static web page contains information that doesn't change automatically. It remains the same, or static, for every viewer of the site. A dynamic website or dynamic web page contains information that changes, depending on the viewer, the time of the day, the time zone, the viewer's native language, and other factors. For example, the Computer Hope home page is a dynamic web page that automatically changes daily to give visitors new content. However, this page you're reading now is a static page that remains the same until it is updated.

A dynamic website can contain client-side scripting or server-side scripting to generate the changing content or a combination of both scripting types. These sites also include HTML programming for the basic structure. The client-side or server-side scripting takes care of the guts of the site.

With client-side HTML scripting, the page can use JavaScript or another scripting language to change the data of the page as it's dynamically built.

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